Monday, August 1, 2011

Triathlon Training - Week 9

Here's how triathlon training went for the week:

Goal: 17 minute swim, 35 minute bike
Accomplished: 40 minutes of stand up paddle boarding. Fun time cross training!

Goal: Yoga
Accomplished: 55 minute bike ride. I went riding at Fallen Leaf Lake, where I've gone trail running before, but never biking. It started out kind of boring, but ended up super fun. I saw all sorts of side off-shoot trails that I want to explore in the future. I was going to go to yoga after my ride, but I ditched out. I need to get back in the yoga habit again. It makes my life so much better.

Goal: 29 minute swim, 46 minute bike
Accomplished: 40 minute swim. Since I had big plans to drive up to Northstar this weekend and ride pretty much all day either Saturday or Sunday, I put off my other bike rides this week until then.

Goal: 17 minute run, weights
Accomplished: 25 minute run, then another 20 minute or so walk. I also need to do my weight lifting. It's so hard to go to the gym when it's nice out, though!

Goal: 58 minute bike ride
Accomplished: I decided to switch my rest day from Saturday to Friday. I often feel like Friday is a better day for me to rest than Saturday, because I'm so tired from the work week on Friday. This was a perfect rest day that involved lots of ice cream and fruit and reading.

Goal: Rest day
Accomplished: 47 minute swim, 26 minute run. This swim was amazing. As much as I like starting my day with a workout (aside from waking up at 6:15), swimming on Saturday at 11:00 am was awesome. The water was warm, the sun was out, there was a hot guy in the lane next to me, and I didn't have to wake up early. My original plan was to run before I swam, but I hit the snooze button a few too many times to make that happen. My running was nearly derailed by laziness, laundry, and hot weather. I knew that if I didn't go on Saturday, my second run would not get done, so I forced myself out the door. Of course, I did not regret it, even a little.

Goal: 29 minute run
Accomplished: I went up to Northstar and biked from about 11 am to 3 pm. It was so much fun, but I am definitely sore and tired today. I forgot how much work it is to ride from the top of the mountain to the bottom.

This was a very successful week for triathlon training. I actually got all of my minutes in! I only did two bike workouts instead of three, but one was all day, and I bike commuted pretty much everywhere this week, so I think that works out. I should definitely be focusing on my running in the coming weeks, as it's by far my weakest leg.

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