Monday, July 25, 2011

Triathlon Training - Week 8

Here's how triathlon training went for the week:

Goal: 35 minute bike
Accomplished: 16 mile bike ride. We rode most of the bike course for the triathlon. There are some monster hills! We ended up riding a longer distance than the bike course (14 miles) because we took off on our ride a couple of miles before the start.

Goal: Yoga, 17 minute swim
Accomplished: 35 minute swim. I switched swims to Tuesday/Thursday this week. It seems easier to get out of bed at 6:15 am on a Tuesday than a Monday, so this might become permanent.

Goal: Weights, 35 minute bike ride

Goal: 17 minute run, 17 minute swim
Accomplished: 30 minute swim. This swim felt awesome! I sped up my laps, and didn't feel like I was going to die. My parents came into town this afternoon, which definitely interfered with my training.

Goal: 35 minute bike ride
Accomplished: Ummm...I did half of a bike, um a ten minute bike ride?

Goal: Rest day
Accomplished: My mom and I swam in Lake Taco for about 15 or 20 minutes. I love swimming with my mom.

Goal: 17 minute run
Accomplished: Threw rocks into the American River, watched HP 7.5 again, and splashed around in the MontBleu pool.

While I didn't do much (any) training while my parents were here, I stacked enough working out into the first half of the week that I got all of my minutes in swimming and biking, and a little over half running. So that was good. But I need to get better about getting my workouts in when my routine has changed.

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