Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fun in the office

My office mate, Thorin, used to work at the ReStore, and every so often he brings back something for our office. Recently, he replaced my lame, non-rolly desk chair with an awesome rolly desk chair. Wheeee!!!! I have spent today rolling all around. Roll! From my desk to the printer! Roll! From my desk to his desk! Roll! From my desk to the paper cutter! I have really noticed that the more boring the job, the greater joy I get from small pleasures.

Side note: I see that fellow office worker Lindsay has blogged about popping bubble wrap. Oh, office jobs.


Nicole Kristine said...

Sometimes I roll all the way from my desk in the front room to the meetingn room for a meeting. Sometimes I get disapproving looks, but it doesn't stop the rolling joy.

Lindsay said...

So true. I also love my rolly chair but suspect that it is also depriving me of what little exercise I might get during the work day...