Monday, February 7, 2011

Last week in review

I did all of my biking. Unfortunately, it was all indoors. I am counting down the days to my next trip to Santa Barbara (11 days!), and all of the outdoor biking I will do.

Still no swimming. Bad. This week! I promise!

I did ran 4 times this week, but I didn't get my "long" run in. I was so excited to run outside yesterday, but I felt sick to my stomach. And I've already learned the hard way that running when my stomach already feels off is a recipe for disaster. So I took Sunday off, and enjoyed the sunshine through my kitchen window.

I lifted 4 times this week. Plus, I mixed it up more than the 8 - 10 lifts that I normally do. I also tried to get more of my body involved instead of just focusing on one area, like standing on one legs to do curls, etc.

No yoga or pilates classes this week, but I did some yoga on my own. I really think classes are important for me, but sometimes yoga on my own works out better for my schedule.

In non-workout life, I addressed 500 plus envelopes by hand this weekend, watched 10 episodes of Secret Life, 2 episodes of Battlestar Galactica (nerd alert!), and 12 episodes of Parks and Rec. My HLP, Jodi Christ Superstar told me that I have to watch Parks and Rec. I'm so glad she did, and Leslie Knoap is one of my new feminist icons. Ovaries before brovaries!

On Saturday night, I put on my tight jeans, thermal socks, boots and down coat and went to a bluegrass show at The Divided Sky. It was definitely the place to be in Lake Taco that night. A guy came up to me and said, "You look really nice. You're wearing jewelry. You went all out tonight." For the record, I was wearing giant ceramic earrings that I bought at Value Village and a plastic necklace from H&M. So it's not like I was blinging out like T Pain or anything. Lake Taco is a different kind of place. Bison was great, as was the hard cider that I drank. I forgot what kind it was, but it was delicious.

Since I was feeling sick on Sunday, and I care a negative amount about both the Packers and the Steelers, I didn't watch the Superbowl. I took advantage of the nearly empty laundromat and did a mountain of laundry. I managed to have more laundry than would fit in my basket, and had to have laundry overflow into a reusable shopping bag. It was pretty impressive.

Here's my latest workout jam: Tightrope by Janelle Monae feat. Big Boi. Sadly no imbedding.

And here's the non-workout tunes I've been listening to while addressing envelopes and dancing around my apartment:


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